Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's 11:11, and I'm......

...trying to blog from my iPhone, which is telling me my browser is no longer supported by Blogger. You'd think for my first blog I would have been more prepared. You know, like, used a a computer. Designed the page. Had a theme. Really tried to WOW my audience. Truth be told, though, I'm having too much fun watching Megadeth on Palladia. Heavy metal is so much more badass on a 50" TV in high def. If only I could crank up the volume and turn the family room into a mosh pit. Dunno...I don't think my wife shares my appreciation of head banging music, not to mention the Louis Gossett, Jr. commercials touting the benefits of short term, $1000 loans. That said, once Metallica hits the stage, I make no promises....speaking of Metallica, my youngest has no idea how close her name came to being Lars. Luckily for her, better sense prevailed. There you have it. My first blog. A bit off center, but those that know me aren't surprised. Just Being Frank.....

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